Afternoon Snack
Acrylic on Coaster Painting made for Nucleus Portland's Salut! 7 Coaster Show.Afternoon SnackPainting
Upturning the Holiday Table
Acrylic on Paper An illustration for Garden & Gun Magazine.Upturning the Holiday TablePainting
Meeting Street
Procreate Cover illustration for Motif Magazine.Meeting StreetDrawing
Aspic No. 1
Acrylic on Wood 11" x 14"Aspic No. 1Painting
Golden Horned Persian Cat
Acrylic on Paper 10" x 16" A take on the hunting tapestry, "Unicorn in Waiting" found at the MET Cloisters.Golden Horned Persian CatPainting
The Rodeo
Acrylic on Panel 8" x 10"The RodeoPainting
The Heist
Acrylic on Paper 11" x 14"The HeistPainting
Junior Prom
Acrylic on Wood 24" x 24"Junior PromPainting