City Emergence
This process drawing was created as a part of a series I call “Songs of Urban Ecology.” When I first started the practice of process drawing, I was living in Spain, trying to capture the movement of water by layering oil pastels and would take photos to create movies out of them....City EmergenceAnimation/Graphic
CIty Emergence: Still from Process Drawing
A first draft of a Song to Urban Ecology about Olmsted Park, which is near my house, next to Jamaica Way. There is natural beauty, with a cathedral of trees and a symphony of birds, that is made more special by human interruptions like traffic and sirens....CIty Emergence: Still from Process DrawingDrawing
City Emergence: Embroidery
Inspired by the contrast between birds and sirens walking near Ward’s Pond, I created a process drawing of leaves through the spring and summer and create music to go alongside. These drawings are meditations on place, on nature, and on human ecologies....City Emergence: EmbroideryFiber Arts
Mahtava: Jamaica Plain
Mahtava, which is a movable site specific inflatable art installation, is designed to be a show-piece. Tendrils emerge from a pod that seems to breathe, dangling over the central market, moving and changing colors to create joyful fun while the DJ and others jam out....Mahtava: Jamaica PlainFiber Arts
Mahtava: Ann Arbor Farmers Market
Mahtava, which is a movable site specific inflatable art installation, is designed to be a show-piece. Tendrils emerge from a pod that seems to breathe, dangling over the central market, moving and changing colors to create joyful fun while the DJ and others jam out....Mahtava: Ann Arbor Farmers MarketFiber Arts