Short Ikebana Demo: Moribana
A short demonstration, 10 min of a traditional color scheme moribana using sword fern.Short Ikebana Demo: MoribanaUndefined
Ikebana Demonstration: Worcester Art Museum
Full Ikebana Demonstration at the Worcester Art MuseumIkebana Demonstration: Worcester Art MuseumUndefined
Free Expression “Angles”
Title: “Angles” Free Expression: Horsetail Rush, Monstera, Allium Jiyu hyogenFree Expression “Angles”Undefined
Basket Arrangement
Basket Arrangement: Maple and PeoniesBasket ArrangementUndefined
Hanamai: Lace Flower, Columbine, Horsetail RushHanamaiUndefined
Realistic Landscape Moribana
Realistic Landscape Moribana: Meadow Scene: Lupine, Driftwood, Lace Flower, Poppy, Yarrow, Columbine. Shakei Shizen-Hon-iRealistic Landscape MoribanaAnimation/Graphic
Realistic Landscape Moribana
Realistic Landscape Moribana: Swamp Scene: Spirea, Horsetail Rush: Iris laevigata, Driftwood, Himalayan Maidenhair Fern (looks like duck weed in the water) Shakei Shizen-Hon-i Fun Fact: "Sedges have edges, rushes are round and grasses have knees that bend to the ground’ Or ....Realistic Landscape MoribanaUndefined
Basket Arrangement
Basket Arrangement: Tree Peony branches and flowers.Basket ArrangementUndefined