Bringing you love
Resting in powerBringing you lovePainting
Leafy sea dragon
Vanessa the leafy sea dragon wants you to use your magicLeafy sea dragonPainting
Miss Major
Miss MajorPainting
Be kind to yourself
Painted this as a reminder to myself at the start of the pandemic. I hope it reminds you too!Be kind to yourselfPainting
Painted for my lil nieblings 🙂Explore!Painting
All Cats Are Beautiful!
…All Cats Are Beautiful!Painting
You are loved!
Made on procreate on my iPad 🙂You are loved!Drawing
Making Trouble
John Lewis knew a thing or twoMaking TroublePainting
Take up space
DO ITTake up spaceDrawing
Why do we have to say this? *le sigh* Still true though!TRANS IS VALIDDrawing
Trans is beluga-ful (beautiful!)
All the belugas believe that trans is beautifulTrans is beluga-ful (beautiful!)Painting
Peonies and feelings
It’s true!Peonies and feelingsPainting
Flowery Farosh
Your favorite electric dragon who traded the zappy death balls for pincushions.Flowery FaroshPainting